Punkty przywracania syst. - tworzenie i zarządzanie inaczej
Rzadko zwracamy uwagę na systemowe narzędzie do tworzenia punktów przywracania i rzadko z niego korzystamy. W wersjach Windowsów starszych od Visty możliwości nasze ograniczały się w praktyce tylko do "ustalenia" ilości tych punktów poprzez przydzielenie im przestrzeni dyskowej oraz do nadania nazwy własnej., a pozostałe parametry dobierał system. W Viście i nowszych systemach punkty tworzy się podobnie, ale zwiększyła się możliwość (teoretycznie przynajmniej) o odzyskiwanie z tych punktów interesujących nas plików/danych. Niestety jest to narzędzie czasem mało zrozumiałe, czasem nieskuteczne...dlatego postanowiłem pokazać kilka alternatywnych programów pracujących na systemowych punktach przywracania, ale dających albo możliwość szybkiego ich tworzenia...albo zarządzania nimi...albo znacznie zwiększających możliwość odzyskiwania konkretnych danych z tych punktów. Opisy oraz obrazki będą pochodzić ze stron tych programów lub artykułów o nich
Cytat: Z-VSScopyis a service that can manage the restore points that your computer has created.

You will be able to browse the content of your restore points and choose to restore files and folders. This is useful because usually, restore points can only be restored completely.

This way, you can bring your computer to a previously working state much more easily. You can restore just what you need, while also saving free space.

Restore Points are implemented with VSS technology (Volume Shadow Copy Service).Because Microsoft keeps the VSS technology relatively buried inside the Windows operating system, it can seem as if your free space simply disappears.

Our Z-VSScopy tool shows you exactly how much space the existing snapshots occupy and lets you delete unneeded snapshots to recover free space on your hard drive.

Z-VSScopy is both a stand-alone program for managing Windows Restore Points and also acts as an add-on module for our backup applications Z-DBackup and Z-DATdump.

Note: Free for personal use only. The Z-VSScopy freeware version is limited to a trial period of 14 days on a Windows Server operating system. If you want to use Z-VSScopy together with the Professional or Server Versions of Z-DBackup or Z-DATdump, you need a Z-VSScopy License.

Here are some key features of "Z-VSScopy":

· Display / delete all existing Shadow Copies
· Restore single files
· Create Shadow Copy for complete volumes

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Cytat: System Restore Exploreris a tool which allows you to browse system restore points on your computer and select individual ones for deletion should you wish to free up some disk space. It also allows you to mount the contents of a restore point into a folder so that you can browse and copy individual files, without the need to perform a full system restore.
When you select a restore point and mountit the tool will create a shortcut to that particular restore point which will allow you to browse the contents and copy files. Once you have finished with a particular restore point you can either use the tool to unmount it or simply delete the shortcut (deleting the shortcut will not delete the restore point).

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Strona programu

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Cytat: System Restore Manageris a freeware portable utility which allows you to completely manage your Windows system restore points and customize its options.
Using this utility, you can:

Create a Restore Point on the fly, by clicking the Create Button
Restore your Windows PC to a prior restore point. Just select a Restore Point from the list and click the Restore Button. This will Restart your computer and launch the Restore Process
See all the available restore points
Selectively remove Restore Points you don’t want and save the one’s you want. Just select a Restore Point from the list and click the Delete Button
Select a Drive and change the maximum amount of disk space to use, System Restore can use. On Windows 7, the default is 5% of available disk space.
Change the System Restore Point Creation Interval. On Windows 7, the default is 24 Hours
Change the Restore Point Time to Live. The default is 90 days,on Windows 7.

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Cytat: We are pleased to release Quick Restore Point Maker , a smart 1-click freeware app for creating a System Restore Point in Windows 7 & Vista.
Normally, to create a system restore point, you have to, via the Control Panel, open the System Protection box and then open the System Restore utility (rstrui.exe) to create a restore point.

Quick Restore Maker allows you to create one in a single click. The restore point so generated is named as ‘QuickRestoreMaker Generated‘ point.

Simply download and extract the content on the zip file and place the program folder in your Program Files folder andthe shortcut of its exe file to your Start Menu.

Now anytime you are trying out a new software or are tweaking your system, click on the icon to create a restore point first.

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Do zarządzania punktami stworzonymi przez QRM stworzono osobne narzędzie:
Cytat: We are pleased to release QRM Plus Manager . QRM Plus Manager lets you create restore points, carry out system restore operations & selectively delete system restore points in your Windows computer. You can also add these options to your right-click context menu.
The download contains: QRM Manager, which lets you manage the system restore point; QRM Plus, which lets you create system restore points in a click & QRM Menu Setup, which lets you add QRM Plus to you right click context menu.

QRM Plus Manager now gives Windows users additional options for System Restore:

Create a Restore Point by clicking the Create button
Enables a user to randomly remove Restore Points. Just select a Restore Point from the list and click the Delete button.
Enables a user to Restore their computer. Simply select a Restore Point from the list and click the Restore Button. This will Restart your computer and launch the Restore process.
If your System Restore is disabled and if you try to create a Restore Point, a message box will display asking if the user would like to enable System Restore.

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"Bezpieczeństwo jest podróżą, a nie celem samym w sobie - to nie jest problem, który można rozwiązać raz na zawsze"
"Zaufanie nie stanowi kontroli, a nadzieja nie jest strategią"
W wbudowanej funkcji przywracania systemu, miałem wiele problemów. Podczas próby przywracania często pojawiały się komunikaty, że nie można przywrócić danego punktu iteraz wcale wyłączam tą funkcję. Zastanawiam się czy te programy są skuteczniejsze niż to co wbudowane jest w system? I czy nie lepiej użyć narzędzia do tworzenia kopi systemu.

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